Filter RSS
2.86 Kb
Feather an image, with the ability to pick you filter type and a possible matte input.
1.74 Kb
Pixelate an image, with the ability to pick you filter type and to affect the alpha or not.
5.74 Kb
Simple, fast image deconvolution using a single-pass Wiener filter
1.17 Kb
Gizmo to kill bad pixels with crazy values. If you have a cg full of artefacts in the highlights or spec with values like 200, 3000 value.
4.91 Kb
Splits RGB and applies vector motion blur with custom shutter offsets
4.95 Kb
Grain ARRI Alexa is simulation of Alexa grain. It includes ISO value parameter.
1.82 Kb
Create chromatic aberration and purple fringing.
4.84 Kb
A BlinkScript filter to replicate the effect of a dot matrix display, by sampling a filter image based off of an array of a texture input.
31.96 Kb
MonkeyBlur is a super fast little defocus tool. Choose between five build in kernels or use your own custom kernel. Have fun!