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Contributor: aitor2d

1.17 Kb

Gizmo to kill bad pixels with crazy values. If you have a cg full of artefacts in the highlights or spec with values like 200, 3000 value.

13 Sep 2018
Contributor: hellphish

4.91 Kb

Splits RGB and applies vector motion blur with custom shutter offsets

10 Sep 2018
Contributor: trakonia

4.95 Kb

Grain ARRI Alexa is simulation of Alexa grain. It includes ISO value parameter.

08 Sep 2018
Contributor: masashivfx

1.82 Kb

Create chromatic aberration and purple fringing.

23 Aug 2018
Contributor: MitchellK

4.84 Kb

A BlinkScript filter to replicate the effect of a dot matrix display, by sampling a filter image based off of an array of a texture input.

05 Aug 2018
Contributor: drerjon

2.55 Kb

Auto ReGrain

05 Jul 2018
Contributor: Kirito23

31.96 Kb

MonkeyBlur is a super fast little defocus tool. Choose between five build in kernels or use your own custom kernel. Have fun!

19 Jun 2018
Contributor: jedypod

11.83 Kb

OpticalZDefocus is a physically accurate ZDefocus, which controls circle of confusion (coc) size based on lens geometry using the depth of field equation. Set your lens and film-back characteristics, your focus distance, and adjust the size of your bokeh with the aperture size, just like a real lens.

06 May 2018
Contributor: sachadanjou

3.82 Kb

Simple Edge Extender using iDistort.

10 Apr 2018
Contributor: trakonia

5.19 Kb

Organic glow effect GlowLight_v1.0 by Huseyin Cay

10 Mar 2018
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