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Contributor: gustavo.butt

2.99 Kb

It cleans the artifacts on chrominance produced by the ProRes 422 compression. It's useful especially to key greenscreen or bluescreen ProRes footage.

15 Feb 2018
Contributor: BenMcEwan

14.74 Kb

Like bm_OpticalGlow, this adds exponentially-increasing blurs together to produce a more optically-correct, natural lightwrap.

12 Feb 2018
Contributor: BenMcEwan

12.81 Kb

Adds exponentially-increasing blurs together to produce a more optically-correct, natural glow.

12 Feb 2018
Contributor: kudzu007

2.16 Kb

A simple tool to pull grain from your original plate and reapply it to your degrained plate.

07 Feb 2018
Contributor: karthikc

1.79 Kb

Edge organic tool will break and unshape the matte edges. good for seamless blending comp without sharp roto edge

07 Feb 2018
Contributor: aesnakes

8.39 Kb

Matrix Preloaded has a few common 3×3 matrix grids available so you dont have to remember how to create certain custom filters. Some filters apply a filter directly on the image while others are better suited as a matte to drive grades and adjust your image.

05 Feb 2018
Contributor: egbert

11.64 Kb

This median filter uses a motion-vector pass to warp the frames before and the frames after to match up with the current one. The median is then taken of those selected frames to reduce flickering in noisy renders or buzzing plates. It works exactly like a 'TemporalMedian', but with the big advantage of ligning up the comparative frames to minimize blending artefacts. 7 frames are max and if you set the frames to 7, three frames before and 3 frames after the current one are considered in the calculation.

24 Jan 2018
Contributor: Niccolo Barbero

688.12 Kb

DUCK is a collection of gizmos designed to help artists. Here you can find: advanced Alpha Edge, Green or Blue Killer for spill suppression,Object id keyer, advanced Luma Keyer, Smart Blur, Denoise, Skin Cleaner, Heat Vision simulation and a Night Vision (infrared) simulation.

29 Dec 2017
Contributor: elcfx

23.62 Kb

Improve the Zdefocus guizmo with a lof of feature. Analyze Zdepth , Fix foreground blur, Auto Depth normalized , focal point help, Bake Depth animated value. Mask mode and more. Now just added the focal point , make some correction, now you able to fix the focal plane on the BG and FG defocus mask for more accurency, some minor improve for the edge fix when you defocus the Fg (simplify a bit the interface ) more user friendly

22 Nov 2017
Contributor: alessiozambardi

19.26 Kb

A very smooth chromatic aberration gizmo

26 Jul 2017
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