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43.46 Kb
Alternative to Directional blur. It's Comparatively very fast and Easy to use.
10.32 Kb
The guided blur is an edge-preserving blur, useful to add fine details to a roto/matte. Similar to the 'Refine Edge' feature from Photoshop.
3.63 Kb
Nuke ML monocular depth estimation tool. The model file (.cat file) can be found here:
27.56 Kb
Edge allows you to extend the proper color out over transparent edges or areas with a lot of motionblur without eroding away the nice detail. **Updated to remove version number from file name!**
8.39 Kb
Matrix Preloaded has a few common 3×3 matrix grids available so you dont have to remember how to create certain custom filters. Some filters apply a filter directly on the image while others are better suited as a matte to drive grades and adjust your image.
1.42 Kb
corrects alpha holes by eroding in both directions preserving the edge
3.21 Kb
A tool that separates frequencies to cleanup/remove details or imperfections. Handy to cleanup Skin or Metal surfaces.
1.74 Kb
Pixelate an image, with the ability to pick you filter type and to affect the alpha or not.
2.86 Kb
Feather an image, with the ability to pick you filter type and a possible matte input.