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31.96 Kb
MonkeyBlur is a super fast little defocus tool. Choose between five build in kernels or use your own custom kernel. Have fun!
8.63 Kb
Applies an effect similar to a TV interference
6.67 Kb
Use it to create nice cool pings-glints or some soft diffusion on a more realistic* way.
15.95 Kb
Replicates the effect of Bob Roesler's Lens Kernel FFT gizmo, but cheaply.
4.84 Kb
A BlinkScript filter to replicate the effect of a dot matrix display, by sampling a filter image based off of an array of a texture input.
4.28 Kb
The 'GY_Glow' Nuke gizmo provides customizable glow effects with adjustable parameters for tolerance, size, intensity, saturation, and gain. It includes options for clamping , and uses a screen or plus merge operation for optimal results.
33.82 Kb
A ramped blur and defocus based on a matte. Much like iBlur or iDefocus in Shake.
3.12 Kb
This is a little Gizmo i build based on an old Shake Toolset. It gives you full control over the edges of your Alpha Channel. You can extend the inner and outer edges, with full control over gain, individual and full blur, erode and the output. It's easy to use and helped me a lot in the past years while enhancing Green-/Bluescreen comps but also on CG integration. Enjoy!
688.12 Kb
DUCK is a collection of gizmos designed to help artists. Here you can find: advanced Alpha Edge, Green or Blue Killer for spill suppression,Object id keyer, advanced Luma Keyer, Smart Blur, Denoise, Skin Cleaner, Heat Vision simulation and a Night Vision (infrared) simulation.