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11.83 Kb
OpticalZDefocus is a physically accurate ZDefocus, which controls circle of confusion (coc) size based on lens geometry using the depth of field equation. Set your lens and film-back characteristics, your focus distance, and adjust the size of your bokeh with the aperture size, just like a real lens.
2,527.77 Kb
Organic Defocus is a defocusing tool which replicates real camera bokehs. An upgraded nuke's defocus version.
9.72 Kb
Similar to 'Pxf_BandPass' but fix the black and white edges. Simply replace blur with denoise. Usefull to sharp a shot, restor or track easily.
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Better than nuke Sharpen, better than Log Sharpen.
14.57 Kb
For most of the glitch type effects you could need! Inlcuding tile, custom-clipping, glitch-lines, scanlines, pixels, rgb-split/chromatic abberation.
169.75 Kb
Pixelfudger suite: PxF_Bandpass, PxF_ChromaBlur, PxF_DeepFade, PxF_DeepMask, PxF_DeepResample, PxF_DeepDefocus, PxF_IDefocus, PxF_ZDefocus, PxF_Distort, PxF_Erode, PxF_Filler, PxF_Grain, PxF_HueSat, PxF_KillSpill, PxF_Line, PxF_MergeWrap, PxF_Nukebench, PxF_ScreenClean, PxF_SmokeBox, PxF_Smoother, PxF_TimeMerge, PxF_VectorEdgeBlur, PxF_AreaLight, PxF_EnvLight, PxF_GeoLight, PxF_RingLight, PxF_TubeLight
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An iterative based blur that allows progressive bluring along mask alphas
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A iterative erode that allows for masking without doubling edges