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8.39 Kb
Better than nuke Sharpen, better than Log Sharpen.
14.57 Kb
For most of the glitch type effects you could need! Inlcuding tile, custom-clipping, glitch-lines, scanlines, pixels, rgb-split/chromatic abberation.
160.86 Kb
Pixelfudger suite: PxF_Bandpass, PxF_ChromaBlur, PxF_DeepFade, PxF_DeepMask, PxF_DeepResample, PxF_DeepDefocus, PxF_IDefocus, PxF_ZDefocus, PxF_Distort, PxF_Erode, PxF_Filler, PxF_Grain, PxF_HueSat, PxF_KillSpill, PxF_Line, PxF_MergeWrap, PxF_Nukebench, PxF_ScreenClean, PxF_SmokeBox, PxF_Smoother, PxF_TimeMerge, PxF_VectorEdgeBlur, PxF_AreaLight, PxF_EnvLight, PxF_GeoLight, PxF_RingLight, PxF_TubeLight
64.51 Kb
An iterative based blur that allows progressive bluring along mask alphas
60.62 Kb
A iterative erode that allows for masking without doubling edges
76.83 Kb
An iterative blur that can blur out with weighting controls, can also blur exponentially.
82.72 Kb
This tool simulates light hitting surfaces by using the luminescence of the B pipe to create a lighting effect.
137.61 Kb
A simple tool to break up your alpha, with features for animating or tracking the noise patterns used for the edge breakup. v1.3 update greatly improves speed and format issue with bbox.