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Contributor: TheoGrez

31.65 Kb

Keying fine hair has never been easier ! This gizmo uses convolution through a 'Gabor filter', used in imaging for isolating elongated features.

02 Feb 2024
Contributor: sky2p

14.15 Kb

Procedurally generated pixel pattern.

08 Jan 2024
Contributor: sky2p

3.78 Kb

Lightweight high pass filter.

08 Jan 2024
Contributor: sky2p

7.56 Kb

Exponential glow with different math options: Inverse Exponential, Inverse Square Law and Inverse Square.

08 Jan 2024
Contributor: Viide

15.88 Kb

A gizmo for creating a direction specific 2D rim light that wraps realistically around your plate detail based of Andrea Geremia's edge rim light tool.

04 Jan 2024
Contributor: Josh Paul

1.37 Kb

This helps us use 'VectorBlur' node for matching motion blur according to our required direction of motion blur with knob 'angle'.

15 Dec 2023
Contributor: xbourque

160.86 Kb

Pixelfudger suite: PxF_Bandpass, PxF_ChromaBlur, PxF_DeepFade, PxF_DeepMask, PxF_DeepResample, PxF_DeepDefocus, PxF_IDefocus, PxF_ZDefocus, PxF_Distort, PxF_Erode, PxF_Filler, PxF_Grain, PxF_HueSat, PxF_KillSpill, PxF_Line, PxF_MergeWrap, PxF_Nukebench, PxF_ScreenClean, PxF_SmokeBox, PxF_Smoother, PxF_TimeMerge, PxF_VectorEdgeBlur, PxF_AreaLight, PxF_EnvLight, PxF_GeoLight, PxF_RingLight, PxF_TubeLight

18 Nov 2023
Contributor: morefall

11.19 Kb

Extend your edges with Blur nodes become fun! Dynamic creation of 'blur-unpremult' method inside a group.

03 Oct 2023
Contributor: gonzalogomre

4.83 Kb

CustomDefocus is a gizmo made for defocusing your images. Its based on blinkscript which automates and speeds up the process. You can either choose to use your local GPU or vectorize it by your CPU. Apart from that, you can choose various types of falloff based on a ramp and increase your defocus size on the tab of the same name.

25 Sep 2023
Contributor: kurono

31.15 Kb

Chromatic aberration

16 Sep 2023
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