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14.96 Kb
It's a gizmo to break your shapes in an organic and fast way, automatically or with all kinds of controls.
20.94 Kb
It is a gizmo that will allow you to create a refraction effect directly from nuke, using a geometry and a camera. It allows you to simulate different optical effects to achieve a result similar to glass. By Aitor Echeveste
12.39 Kb
Fill in the track marks or elements that you want to erase from the plate without losing the detail of the surface, powerer by blink script. I included the option of rescue all the surface detail, also you can rescue the highlights of the surface. If it's necessari you can ofset the surface detail if you want to keep the ditail but the original detail makes appear the clean up.
292.95 Kb
aeAnamorphic is a simple way to give a realistic anamorphic look to your compositions with real distortion charts and automatic breathing.
9.38 Kb
Exponential blur and glow with keying and falloff controls
10.32 Kb
The guided blur is an edge-preserving blur, useful to add fine details to a roto/matte. Similar to the 'Refine Edge' feature from Photoshop.
3.63 Kb
Nuke ML monocular depth estimation tool. The model file (.cat file) can be found here:
11.36 Kb
This tool will help you to add spectrum in your shots. It's better than chromatic aberration because is based in all ranges of color: purple, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red. Forget the basic chromatic aberration based in RGB. This tool works very well in shots with water or under the water. Use it with caustics and it will blow your mind. It works really well with Alexa, Phantom and better with eye fish lenses Hope you enjoy it!
63.63 Kb
Just another Edge Extend Tool but made with the most effective techniques to extend, dilate and stretch edges by ST-Map or FlterDilate.