8.17 Kb
EdgeScatter blends an image along a matte edge, typically mixing 2 layers from completely different sources (a greenscreen and a BG for example) for a more photographically correct look.

33.82 Kb
A ramped blur and defocus based on a matte. Much like iBlur or iDefocus in Shake.

7.59 Kb
common mask operations (shrink, grow, erode, glow, edgedetect) in one handy tool.

3.26 Kb
Converts Bump maps or Displacement maps to Tangent Normals using real displacement.

1.90 Kb
create soft fallOff basedon your matte channel

169.75 Kb
Pixelfudger suite: PxF_Bandpass, PxF_ChromaBlur, PxF_DeepFade, PxF_DeepMask, PxF_DeepResample, PxF_DeepDefocus, PxF_IDefocus, PxF_ZDefocus, PxF_Distort, PxF_Erode, PxF_Filler, PxF_Grain, PxF_HueSat, PxF_KillSpill, PxF_Line, PxF_MergeWrap, PxF_Nukebench, PxF_ScreenClean, PxF_SmokeBox, PxF_Smoother, PxF_TimeMerge, PxF_VectorEdgeBlur, PxF_AreaLight, PxF_EnvLight, PxF_GeoLight, PxF_RingLight, PxF_TubeLight

18.28 Kb
Create a kaleidoscop effect based on the AE CC_Kaleida with some additional features

0.54 Kb
EdgeExtend 2 extend the edge of your picture.