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Contributor: jbills

8.17 Kb

EdgeScatter blends an image along a matte edge, typically mixing 2 layers from completely different sources (a greenscreen and a BG for example) for a more photographically correct look.

08 Sep 2014
Contributor: lordmotz

33.82 Kb

A ramped blur and defocus based on a matte. Much like iBlur or iDefocus in Shake.

30 Nov 2011
Contributor: philhub

7.59 Kb

common mask operations (shrink, grow, erode, glow, edgedetect) in one handy tool.

04 Mar 2013
Contributor: 2byts

3.26 Kb

Converts Bump maps or Displacement maps to Tangent Normals using real displacement.

13 Feb 2012
Contributor: 2byts

4.13 Kb

Blend Normal Maps

13 Feb 2012
Contributor: satheesh

1.90 Kb

create soft fallOff basedon your matte channel

24 Feb 2012
Contributor: xbourque

169.75 Kb

Pixelfudger suite: PxF_Bandpass, PxF_ChromaBlur, PxF_DeepFade, PxF_DeepMask, PxF_DeepResample, PxF_DeepDefocus, PxF_IDefocus, PxF_ZDefocus, PxF_Distort, PxF_Erode, PxF_Filler, PxF_Grain, PxF_HueSat, PxF_KillSpill, PxF_Line, PxF_MergeWrap, PxF_Nukebench, PxF_ScreenClean, PxF_SmokeBox, PxF_Smoother, PxF_TimeMerge, PxF_VectorEdgeBlur, PxF_AreaLight, PxF_EnvLight, PxF_GeoLight, PxF_RingLight, PxF_TubeLight

03 Dec 2024
Contributor: julesvm

8.44 Kb

creates a more graphical bokeh

01 Apr 2012
Contributor: Tomas

18.28 Kb

Create a kaleidoscop effect based on the AE CC_Kaleida with some additional features

02 May 2012
Contributor: blempereur

0.54 Kb

EdgeExtend 2 extend the edge of your picture.

20 Dec 2012
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