5.58 Kb
RED Cine sensor noise simulation (goodbye film grain, hello sensor noise)

13.08 Kb
use fizzle to simulate physical monitor disply patterns and colour corrections

4.69 Kb
Updated version for Nuke 6: Blurs image with a fake Zdepth. Great to simulate a very short depth of field in regular footage.

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Performs brights and darks glows as well as lightwrap in one handy tool with loads of parameters.

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The chroma smear is a static motion blur similar to the godrays include in nuke, with a additional chroma shift.

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Push rgb pixels outwards from a matte edge.

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Chromatic Aberration V 1.0 Made by: Fabio Luongo

28.92 Kb
It provides defocus using convolution matrix with some simple shapes and also generates chromatic abberation

4.68 Kb
Removes stray pixels from the alpha channel of your matte