Keyer RSS
6.08 Kb
Additive mixing of foreground and background to help preserve fine edge details when keying
8.57 Kb
All purpose chroma keyer. Separates matte, spill, and color for fine tuning.
1.84 Kb
simple spill tool base on color correction tools ...
12.90 Kb
A tool that allows you to make your green screen / blue screen even and without imperfection
5.17 Kb
Based on the IBKColour, different math. Creates a Clean Plate fully patch without noise and without the need for stacking several nodes. Clean Plate generator, one more to the collection... same IBKColour black patch with a different approach to color selection. No stacking needed. Fine Tune the right channel, adjust Reds and Luminance. Erode, adjust size.... patch all the way. Done.
9.15 Kb
Straight forward slap comp Keyer. Just a quick chroma key for slap comps, not to be use as a fine keyer (by all means). It will save a couple of clicks, just plug and key. As always, hope it somehow useful.
7.57 Kb
Collection of Despill algorithms with fine tuning option and spill matte export.
6.38 Kb
Unspill technique by good old Steve Wright put into a nice little gizmo.
12.48 Kb
Erodes/Expands rgb edges of keyed image image to get rid of unwanted outlines. Includes fine tuning for edge treatment. Based on Frank Rueter's Edge Extend.