Keyer RSS
5.28 Kb
- pick screen color - set target color
7.65 Kb
Modified version of the DespillToColor by Johannes Masanz, which includes BG and clean plate inputs
3.14 Kb
CheckmatteV4 is a gizmo that will let you check your rotos/mattes. Now with more options.
8.23 Kb
ScreenXchange Helps for Keying Green and Blue screens, and blend edges, that are tricky. Outputs a comped image that might give better results on edges than a keyer.
25.70 Kb
Gizmo that generates mask from point position pass. It has offset, rotate, non-uniform spread parameters and ability to generate cube or sphere. This new version has curve to control the shape of the gradient/feather as well as modify the spread according to the negative or positive values. (see animated gif)
11.21 Kb
Generate antialiased multi-masks from double res IDpass
6.85 Kb
sort of photoshop like "Selective Color". (red green blue cyan magenta yellow)
29.35 Kb
Select colours in 3D to be keyed out. Allows for softness and a selection of colour spaces.
48.18 Kb
Rebuild of the IBK Gizmo keyer with more options and control for an all-in-one additive keyer node