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1.96 Kb
based on the Foundry's Autobackdrop.py with a nuke panel asking for the label and the name of your autobackdrop, with 4 colors presets and 4 different font size. the Default color is grey.
6.85 Kb
Create A NoOp Node that Controls Multiple Grade Knobs
3.47 Kb
This script creates a ToDo List with checkboxes to tick when you've finished the tasks. You can also remove the ticked boxes and it creates a record of the complete tasks in a text node. Hope you will enjoy!! :)
1.37 Kb
Convert CornerPin node imported from Mocha to tracker node
0.32 Kb
With a read or write node selected run this script and it will open the location in Finder. This is taken from Saurabh Sameer's script (reveal in explorer) that was made for windows and altered to work on a Mac. Let me know if there are any problems.
1.58 Kb
Creates an incremental save of your Nuke script every time you save
6.75 Kb
Python module to control Nuke from the exterior. Useful for pipeline automation.
9.20 Kb
Creates a ready to start Script with Shuffles for each Channel and preset Merges
11.47 Kb
Advanced Cornerpin for easier copy-paste action from tracker to cornerpin. Includes from-to copy, stabilize and reference frame options, and automatic snap.
2.90 Kb
This script collects the footage from your read nodes and save them in a directory in the same structure where your current nuke script lives.