31.72 Kb
a small game i wrote for nuke :-D Two nodes do a race. Bet who is faster. Nice time killer while rendering :-D

1.16 Kb
A simple script to generate a basic folder structure based on project directory when starting a new project

1.03 Kb
Normalize curves in the curve editor based on the entered range of values.

2.25 Kb
This is a small script that I pieced together for fun while teaching myself python. It takes the image value of a selected node and generates it in the node graph using dots.

3.75 Kb
This tool separates your image ReadNode Passes in a automated way by providing you an interface to rename or delete extracted Layers.

8.20 Kb
Uses meta-data from the incoming image stream to break a PSD files into layers, each layer is combined together with a PSDMerge node which emulates the blending modes, each layer is set in a card in 3D space.

27.33 Kb
Convert a gizmo into group. All connections remain. This script is useful if you hand your nuke scripts to other machines where the gizmos aren't installed. So with gizmoToGroup you make sure that your scripts can be read on other machines as well.

28.33 Kb
align selected nodes horizontal or vertical, set the distance between the nodes and remain the order of the nodes. prety useful tool to keep your nuke scripts clean.

37.33 Kb
Revert to latest saved script. Why not Nuke?

5.91 Kb
This script will bake roto shapes points to trackers.