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Contributor: jahamba

2.19 Kb

Automatic relative pathes

19 Aug 2012
Contributor: Mohamed Selim

42.14 Kb

msHelpers are a bunch of scripts to make those day to day tedious tasks more pleasant.

12 Sep 2012
Contributor: dubiella

5.30 Kb

This is a simple Script that searching in each directories and subdirectories. Looking for the files in Node with path errors. He Find new Path and Replace to correct this one.

25 Oct 2012
Contributor: mborgo

8.87 Kb

This script will find the missing external files of your script and relink them. It will search the files on the informed disk or folder.

15 Sep 2021
Contributor: mborgo

3.57 Kb

This script will make all the file paths relative to the script location on the disk

19 Dec 2012
Contributor: satheesh

2.89 Kb

shuffleAlpha python script

28 Jan 2013
Contributor: satheesh

3.13 Kb

1.5: Added colorspace selection function. Tested nuke 8.0, 9.0+. refined the script from older version. 1.4: Added channel selection function. Hi nuker's finally found a solution for our long time wish and expectation. Now you can save image from the viewer. Like eyeon fusion and other application.

01 Apr 2016
Contributor: VGuerreiro

1.56 Kb

This script is useful when you have changed your project folders to a different directory and you kept all the inside directory root Paste the old directory in the 'Old Source' input without the file specification Ex.: Old Source: c:/user/old_project_dir/ Write the new directory ind the 'New Source' input without the file specification Ex.: New Source: d:/projects_backup/new_project_dir/ If the overall folder structure is the same, all the Read Nodes will be automatically re-linked to your files.

26 Jan 2013
Contributor: nofxboy1234

2.21 Kb

Autolife automatically sets the lifetime for roto shapes and strokes to their first and last keyframe.

28 Feb 2013
Contributor: satheesh

1.49 Kb

Another handy script for nuker's. Hope this will help you friends.

22 Apr 2013
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