NodeGraph RSS
1.58 Kb
Duplicate multiple nodes and keep their inputs.
2.63 Kb
Aligns selected nodes horizontally and vertically in the Nuke graph by adding 100-pixel units or a specified custom spacing.
1.12 Kb
Enable Translate, Rotate and Scale for existing tracks on selected Tracker.
1.19 Kb
enable all the Tracker's translate, rotate and scale in one click.
0.70 Kb
Python script which lets you enable and disable nodes based on user input and class. I know Nuke already has select similar option, but for people who don't like going into menus this may be helpful.Just add the text to the file in your .nuke directory . Thanks
2.47 Kb
Extract layer from a PSD to create a tree with the separate layer with crop, premult, card, linked to a scene, and camera / scanline render.
0.99 Kb
This code create 'Expression' node and feed the value from the window. It also clamp the value. So no need to worry about the clamp issue.
1.50 Kb
It automatically creates a Shuffle node for each layer in the selected node.
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This script allows you to create a selection of a specific class of nodes in your Nuke script. A drop-down menu with a few common node types is available, as well as the option to enter the desired node's class yourself.
1.19 Kb
Python script to flag every hidden input in the node graph, adding a dot labelled 'Hidden Input' on top of the hidden input node.