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Contributor: mushu

348.77 Kb

This is an easy plugin management system for nuke. Made for artists to TD's it can be very simple and quick to use for just loading groups of plugins but has the power to do loads more.

18 Nov 2013
Contributor: mushu

8,718.07 Kb

Advanced Version of the Plugin Group Manager - Basic. Aimed more at TD's and developers.

18 Nov 2013
Contributor: larswemmje

5.60 Kb

A customized write node that you can adapt to your project folder structure.

11 Mar 2018
Contributor: Croesus

2.30 Kb

This write node works like any other but is designed to create a folder called 'render' wherever the Nuke script is saved and will base the output name on the name of the script.

15 Dec 2018
Contributor: x_corpion

9.07 Kb

With the 'CompHelper' node, you can organize your project and help you quickly locate and export your files. Using 'WriteAuto,' you can create an automated write to export your project sequences in the prerender folder, and you can customize the word 'Denoised' as needed. After exporting, with 'Readsolut,' you can create a read from the previous 'Write' node, and with 'Explore,' you can select any 'Read' node and open the source files folder in the Windows File Explorer. With 'CreFolders,' after saving your Nuke project in a Nuke folder, you can create project folders from within Nuke, selecting the folders you want to create for your project.

20 Feb 2024
Contributor: maxvanleeuwen

475.11 Kb

A node looper for Nuke

22 Apr 2021
Contributor: fxtor

4.03 Kb

Simple copy/paste or link values, without the hassle of manually opening every node and typing in values or expressions. Copy/Paste or link KnobValues from one main node to multiple other selected nodes, by the click of a button. Select which values you want to copy or link by listing them in a text field, then select the nodes you want to include: and click the button.

06 Aug 2016
Contributor: fxtor

42.99 Kb

toolset/python tool to deal with all $gui expressions in a nuke script (works on root and inside groups). the tool lets you bake the inverted expressions (to make sure the comp-tree looks exactly the same as the render from the renderfarm) Checks for deleted nodes, existing expressions etc. before storing or restoring knob's $gui expressions. If expressions exist, user will get the option to replace or skip. Tool works on index level for knobs

20 Mar 2021
Contributor: fxtor

9.27 Kb

fxT_precompController is a Toolset/python tool to easily keep track of precomps in large nuke scripts. see video demo for all features.

28 Oct 2021
Contributor: fxtor

7.69 Kb

Customized Dot to easily connect to any nodes in your nukescript in a very neat and efficient way. Toolset/python tool. See video for demonstration.

26 Apr 2020
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