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This tool is an advanced variation on the God Rays node. It creates volumetric lighting effects with more realism. It supports soft and diffused light rays created by area lights and volumetric lights. It supports Nuke 3D Cameras, Point Lights and Axis to have a better control of the direction of the illumination.

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CatsEyeDefocus is a convolution filter which simulates swirly bokeh.

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This is a pixel sorter effect created in BlinkScript.

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Updated version of my original pixelsort plugin - this time in BlinkScript, so it works in newer Nuke versions! And added some new features.

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Repeat and stretch pixels to create digital glitch effects.

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Blinkscript powered Z-Defocus to handle astigmatism, cat-eye occlusion, chromatic aberration.

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Advanced Sharpening and Softening filter. This GPU accelerated filter preserves colours, avoid negative lobes and creates minimal ringing and banding on edges.

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A method to restore antialiased edges damaged by image filtering

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A defocus fully controllable by maps, powered by BlinkScript

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This is a BlinkScript version of nuke's 'Median' filter. It does have a size slider that defines the filter region, but besides that it is exactly the same as the BlinkScript example. :)