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4.09 Kb
Loads a folder and all subfolders recursively from inside Nuke
9.77 Kb
This makes the built in localisation of files threaded for background processing
8.01 Kb
Automates creation of write nodes.
5.44 Kb
For setting up rendering different language or color versions faster. Not sure if work with older Nuke or Other Platforms. I only tested under Windows, but i think it will work because the script doesn't have any fancy function.
1.58 Kb
“Mocha AE Import” is a Python script that enables you to import tracking data from Mocha for After Effects into Nuke and create a corner pin node from it.
4.46 Kb
Translates MochaAE Cornerpin Data to a Nuke CornerPin node.
2.92 Kb
This script enables you to convert MochaAE corner pin data to Nuke 7 tracker node.
318.08 Kb
Collect utilities is a group of tools that helps you manage your project and files.
0.62 Kb
Opens multiple read nodes similar to Shake's 'next' function. Nuke 6.3 (and 6.2?) now includes similar functionality as standard so is not necessary for these versions of Nuke.