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Contributor: wysee

4.92 Kb

C4dAutoComp import your Multipass exr and fbx camera files from Cinema 4d into Nuke.

18 Nov 2011
Contributor: leafpictures

30.43 Kb

capture is a nuke python script to share node setups and images with other users and run them synchronized on several machines.

07 Aug 2014
Contributor: Kapinat

4.96 Kb

ClipboardPaste Everything NUKE

28 Jun 2023
Contributor: farabute

2.53 Kb

This script collects the footage from your script and saves it in a target directory. It also copies the script and relinks all the files to the new directory.

21 Sep 2011
Contributor: leafpictures

39.83 Kb

convert any read node to its correct input node. This ensures that you can simply drag and drop all files from your explorer to your node graph and and automatically convert to the correct input read node. Works with deep exr, abc, fbx, obj

24 Jun 2016
Contributor: rasheedgm

1.24 Kb

A shortcut to Export Nuke7/8 rotopaint to Nuke 6.

10 Aug 2014
Contributor: nara

1.29 Kb

create the selected Write's file path

11 Jan 2016
Contributor: zhongfuyu

0.69 Kb

delete Thumbs.db and ._.DS_Store

30 Jun 2017
Contributor: henrietta

2.52 Kb

Export the Featuretracks of Nuke's CameraTracker Node into a txt file

28 Jul 2019
Contributor: lacrossj

2.21 Kb

Breaks out FBX geo into individual OBJs

12 Aug 2011
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