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Relinker is a Nuke tool for relinking footage automatically. It was developed to be used in a small independent film production environment where artists would typically work off their hard drives on multiple locations with different computers. The Nuke scripts we worked with at the time generally had a lot of different read nodes. Instead of losing time relinking nodes manually, we wrote this Python tool to automate the task. Video demonstration: https://vimeo.com/103858180
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This script loops through all selected nodes and checks if the node has a file knob. If a file knob is present, the path will be opened in the OS file manager/browser. The user will be notified if nothing is selected or if the user does not select any nodes that have an existing file-path. If a selected node has a nonexistent path, this will be printed in the script editor, and the script will continue to process the next selected node. All paths are tested for an existing file. However, due to rendered files being frequently opened and deleted, write nodes only test for an existing directory.
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A Nuke plugin to run code from external applications.
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This script is useful when you have changed your project folders to a different directory and you kept all the inside directory root Paste the old directory in the 'Old Source' input without the file specification Ex.: Old Source: c:/user/old_project_dir/ Write the new directory ind the 'New Source' input without the file specification Ex.: New Source: d:/projects_backup/new_project_dir/ If the overall folder structure is the same, all the Read Nodes will be automatically re-linked to your files.
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A different nuke! Hack your operation! A new way to composite,include many powerful tools make your work easy and funny!
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To be coordinated your team work,we will cooperation into united front