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Contributor: masky007

15.68 Kb

1. Turns OFF and ON the motionblur for: ScanlineRenders, Transforms, TransformMasked, Trackers, CornerPin, VectorBlurs, DirectionalBlurs, MotionBlur, and RealSmartMotionblur nodes. 2. Depending if you have selected nodes or not - it will only affect the selection, or the whole comp 3. Stores values in your .nk file so you can save, and reopen your comp later, and turn OFF/ON the motionblur 4. Works with animated values 5. Colorcode the nodes that are affected by the script 6. Excludes 'undo' command in nuke for changes made by the script, to prevent logical errors

17 Nov 2016
Contributor: masky007

6.90 Kb

Auto Crop script to utilize the curve's tool auto crop feature to its fullest on multiple inputs, with full control over channels and layers, frame range, scan in overscan, and additional safety pixels.

10 Jun 2018
Contributor: hellozee

2.16 Kb

Create your own marvel like intro without any hassle

10 Dec 2018

5.18 Kb

This script will create a renderable spline overlay, similar to the overlay in the viewer.

11 Oct 2016
Contributor: ssava

4.51 Kb

When the render is done, the tool sends you a message to your email address. The tool currently works with g-mail and yahoo accounts.

29 Jul 2023
Contributor: Cequinel

25.85 Kb

Create controllers to increase or decrease cropped area.

28 Aug 2021
Contributor: Cequinel

59.34 Kb

This tool provides functions to easily navigate the timeline in Nuke

20 Nov 2023
Contributor: cglukas

2.61 Kb

Editing scriptknobs inside Nuke is a nightmare. Especially if you want to convert your old python 2 gizmos. This script enables you to edit any scriptknob inside PyCharm Community (a free IDE).

01 Aug 2022
Contributor: Lukasz Omasta

4.27 Kb

A script to conform shots using an edl file, from preferably any editing application.

02 Sep 2011
Contributor: pf_world

11.79 Kb

This script will take all the files being referenced inside of your comp and copy them to a specified directory. A copy of the nuke script will then be added to this directory with all the file paths set to relative file paths. This means that the nuke script can be opened successfully, regardless of where the folder ends up being transferred to.

18 May 2015
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