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Contributor: florianlorber

1.99 Kb

A script that produces a framehold that matches the animation steps of a stop-motion or 2D animated plate.

11 Aug 2020
Contributor: flord

6.75 Kb

Python module to control Nuke from the exterior. Useful for pipeline automation.

18 Nov 2010
Contributor: frank

2.82 Kb

bake all gizmos starting at a given level

09 May 2015
Contributor: frank

1.01 Kb

spawn FrameHold to extract still frames

31 Aug 2010
Contributor: fredrik

13.68 Kb

Generate Read node(s) from selected Write node(s). Supports filepaths with expressions.

08 Jun 2016
Contributor: fredrik

2.65 Kb

Launch the source directory of the selected Read or Write node.

12 Nov 2011
Contributor: hovanyi

227.22 Kb

Multiplayer Pong for Nuke

12 Sep 2013
Contributor: gltoth

2.51 Kb

Nuke frame range fixer for readnodes

27 Jul 2010
Contributor: kgaurav

6.54 Kb

Toggle some common properties of nodes on or off on your demand.

15 Feb 2016
Contributor: Geoffroy

3.47 Kb

This script creates a ToDo List with checkboxes to tick when you've finished the tasks. You can also remove the ticked boxes and it creates a record of the complete tasks in a text node. Hope you will enjoy!! :)

05 Aug 2011
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