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Contributor: jazlyncartaya

3.90 Kb

This tool lets the artist select multiple nodes in their node graph and attach any node (of the same node) with one knob adjusted. And this update lets the artist attach cloned nodes if they want.

15 Mar 2019
Contributor: jazlyncartaya

6.21 Kb

Creates a tab in the CornerPin2D node which lets you set or remove all 'to' keys or all 'from' keys by hitting one button!

16 Mar 2019
Contributor: jazlyncartaya

3.93 Kb

This tool creates Shuffle node layers for selected exr (with nice purple backdrops).

07 Mar 2019
Contributor: jazlyncartaya

2.08 Kb

This tool lets the artist create as many nodes, of the same node, as they want, with one of the knobs adjusted in those nodes.

22 Sep 2018
Contributor: jazlyncartaya

4.51 Kb

This tool puts buttons in the Grade, Blur, and Transform nodes which lets you create parented nodes of each of the nodes.

27 May 2019
Contributor: jazlyncartaya

1.56 Kb

Creates button that removes keys in all knobs in 'Transform' node.

22 Sep 2018
Contributor: jazlyncartaya

2.07 Kb

Creates button in Tracker node that lets you create a parented RotoPaint node. RotoPaint node displays which Tracker it is connected to and the reference frame in the label.

16 Mar 2019
Contributor: tanantish

9.94 Kb

Nuke knobs can be a bit of a pain, they're hard to wrangle and there's no clean API to do things I tend to want to do (like bulk add/move/rearrange knobs). As a first step though, this just has the bulk add/insert functionality that you generally want as a first step.

05 Jan 2020
Contributor: Geoffroy

1.96 Kb

based on the Foundry's Autobackdrop.py with a nuke panel asking for the label and the name of your autobackdrop, with 4 colors presets and 4 different font size. the Default color is grey.

07 Aug 2011
Contributor: subm16

228.13 Kb

LightFusion is a Nuke Python tool that automates Multi-Light Beauty rebuilds by merging selected light layers in a group node, merged with the plus operation. The group node offers grading controls for quick lighting adjustments.

06 Nov 2024
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