0.85 Kb
For copying animation data from Tracker node to Roto Node. It will copy Trasform,rotation.scale and center point animatons into Roto node and also it will create a blur node along with the roto

9.20 Kb
Creates a ready to start Script with Shuffles for each Channel and preset Merges

5.76 Kb
Creates a ready to start script on the push of a button

4.91 Kb
Create Cvec4 (strokes very similar to Pins) in a splinewarp node from trackers of a selected tracker node! You can now decide if the parameters are being bake on the 'pins' or that values are link by expression to the trackers.

16.54 Kb
Usually when using the spline warp node, you have to go trough all the previous key frames of the source shape and replace the destination shape points. This script create a controller shape on wich you can add independent key frames.

120.56 Kb
Adds checkboxes to the 'Viewer1' node properties with the connected node names next to it. With a checkbox 'checked' (locked) you disable the viewer node to change that index input node with another.

6.54 Kb
Toggle some common properties of nodes on or off on your demand.

0.32 Kb
With a read or write node selected run this script and it will open the location in Finder. This is taken from Saurabh Sameer's script (reveal in explorer) that was made for windows and altered to work on a Mac. Let me know if there are any problems.

1.63 Kb
Create tracked Bezier node from Tracker node

3.37 Kb
Create tracked Roto node from Tracker node