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Contributor: lamakaha

2.87 Kb

Create tracked Roto node from CornerPin node

02 Aug 2012
Contributor: lamakaha

3.87 Kb

Convert CornerPin From/To transformation into CornerPin extra matrix

06 Aug 2012
Contributor: leafpictures

3,655.52 Kb

The default plugin is a visual approach to let you create knob defaults inside Foundry’s Nuke on the fly without the need to write and maintain any line of code. It contains the default main window which lets you create, edit and delete knob defaults and bundle them in preset lists that can be imported and exported and thus be shared with other artists.

17 Aug 2022
Contributor: leafpictures

33.05 Kb

blackbox automatically creates a backup file of your current nuke script whenever you save. You can choose the backup location and how much backups you want to have per script. With that no data gets lost and you can always jump back to older versions.

03 Feb 2015
Contributor: leafpictures

28.33 Kb

align selected nodes horizontal or vertical, set the distance between the nodes and remain the order of the nodes. prety useful tool to keep your nuke scripts clean.

17 Feb 2014
Contributor: leafpictures

27.33 Kb

Convert a gizmo into group. All connections remain. This script is useful if you hand your nuke scripts to other machines where the gizmos aren't installed. So with gizmoToGroup you make sure that your scripts can be read on other machines as well.

20 Feb 2014
Contributor: leafpictures

31.72 Kb

a small game i wrote for nuke :-D Two nodes do a race. Bet who is faster. Nice time killer while rendering :-D

03 Jun 2014
Contributor: leafpictures

28.27 Kb

autocrop function with option to select the channels and the frame range to analyse.

31 Jul 2015
Contributor: leafpictures

28.54 Kb

cleanup current nuke script: collect all nodes that are not connected to any node and/ or which output is not used at all in the current script. these nodes can then be disabled or removed with one click

02 Jan 2019
Contributor: leafpictures

1,157.29 Kb

Pause Nuke's Viewer nodes to prevent any image processing when loading a Nuke script.

12 Apr 2018
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