Channel RSS
1.85 Kb
This gizmo emulates AfterEffects Knoll Unmult plugin.
88.21 Kb
MECudimmanager is a tool to organise UDIM Inputs in Nuke. It can be used to conveniently give an overview of the models UV spaces, show specific UDIMs and input textures that are automatically getting put into the correct place. It can be used for the creation of masks, paintovers for specific areas and projections on complex models with multiple UV spaces.
3.36 Kb
just refined it a bit as first version was a bit ambiguous and was a simple toolset but this one is gizmo..and there was a typo mistake.. in demo video old version's path is embedded at the bottom of screen..please ignore it.. Here is a quick demo ..
9.51 Kb
Converts world-normals to camera-normals or outputs a respective facing ratio mask.
1.48 Kb
A tool that emulates the Channel Boolean tool from Fusion
6.97 Kb
The functionality of the native Remove node enhanced with the possibility of unlimited channel slots.
5.14 Kb
Channel Offset allows the user to easily slide individual RGB channels in both x and y. Whether its correcting chromatic aberration or creating it this toll gives you complete control.
9.98 Kb
Combines multiple channels of the input into a single matte.