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Contributor: a.chowdhury

2.44 Kb

Roto Centroid It tries to find out the centroid of a given rotoshape (based upon the area, NOT bounding box or average point values). It does this using an algorithm I put together in python for finding the centroid of 2d shapes based upon their point locations. This allows you to effectively find the center of mass of a Beziers etc. This differs from the center of the bounding box, or average point values in that it changes depending on how the shape is distributed, so it is unbiased on the amount of points you're using. I made this because Houdini can do this, so I felt Nuke should be able to aswell.

02 Jul 2016
Contributor: elbetored

4.65 Kb

Filmburn Fx based on Digital Tutors

28 Jun 2016
Contributor: nik_vfx

79.37 Kb

Custom tool for Nuke for warping patches using trackers

10 Apr 2016
Contributor: frank

3.40 Kb

dissolve between two transform nodes

30 Mar 2016
Contributor: diripirate

2.92 Kb

Make soft and handy distortions

30 Mar 2016
Contributor: massaoasaga

1.20 Kb

This is to make a free cam. Explore the parameters to achieve optimal results.

08 Oct 2015
Contributor: dossos

0.31 Kb

Crops and reformats to whatever your bounding box is!

28 Jul 2015
Contributor: LeoLiuos

16.26 Kb

Glitch effect, Grid glitch and box transform tools with different sliders for variation. Transforms r g b channels separately

18 May 2015
Contributor: rukavitsin

8.00 Kb

Create lens distortion effects same as ARRI Ultra Prime Lenses. Can also be used to undistort source footage for 3D renderers.

10 Mar 2015
Contributor: lookin

2.23 Kb

A simple and fast solution to Unwarp to UV space your CG render

09 Dec 2014
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