1.33 Kb
Uncrop to place a cropped image back in its original position, or crop to the size of the BBox.

8.89 Kb
Distorts an input by two individual noise layers to quickly get some motion into boring background imagery :)

12.10 Kb
Fun little gizmo that gives you the magic of gravity.

4.01 Kb
This Gizmo is similar to the TransformMasked node but with one big difference. With the mask you define where the transformation is applied how much. The pixels of your mask with a value of 0 won't get touched, the ones with a value of 1 will be transformed like the node is set and values between will be transformed proportional to their value. So you can produce smooth transitions between transformed and not transformed areas.

4.98 Kb
Center automatically the pivot of the Transform node

1.16 Kb
dynamic reformat for lens distortion/transformation. handy for overscan. also shows the transformation value.

30.58 Kb
GZ_Aligner is a small tool to quickly align a image to orthogonal angles.

0.77 Kb
This node uses control mask to do warping. You can also use this node for stereo left and right eyes using depth map as control image