Transform RSS
1.99 Kb
Transform Gizmo with 'Auto Orientation' facility.
3.51 Kb
Simple gizmo to Undistort / Redistort image from Sigma Art series lens 18-35mm with Metabones SpeedBooster 0.71x calculated by Nuke
4.75 Kb
A simple gizmo that allows you to offset the points of a CornerPin for little adjustments.
3.73 Kb
Analyses motion and generates a pass that can be used to drive an iDistort to mimic the motion of the source clip
27.39 Kb
Converts your Tracker, computed on the original scan (distorted), into a new one with Undistorted tracks
21.15 Kb
Allows you to distort tracking data using a UVMap, such as that output by a LensDistortion node.
3.13 Kb
cornerpin - auto pinning based on bbox
5.08 Kb
A corner pin node that automatically applies when a 2D tracker name is entered. Also the corner pin ensures the aspect ratio is maintained for the foreground element.
2.93 Kb
Simple rotation matrix gizmo with rotation order switch.