9.43 Kb
This gizmo allow to premultiply your RGB correctly even when your alpha doesn't match with own RGB input. Added knob that allow you to blur the edges restored Fixed colorcorrect knob issue

1.90 Kb
Python script in a node for shuffling the layers inside a multichannel source.

9.38 Kb
Creates a tree of lightgroups or illumination passes and recombines them.

3.54 Kb
This basic gizmo simply adds some noise to your alphas around the areas that aren't solid.

6.78 Kb
switchMatte works like shakes switchMatte and Fusion's matteControl. Updated with despill control. v2.0 added despill function v2.1. Added bounding box future.

4.90 Kb
Multimatte can be used to extract 7 colors from a single matte pass plus the alpha channel.

3.85 Kb
Colormatte can be used to extract different part from a color pass with the help of rgb pass.

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This gizmo emulates AfterEffects Knoll Unmult plugin.

5.79 Kb
A simply gizmo that allow you to manage better your channels embedded in your input file. V1.1 has been released: - Add Reset Mask button allowing you to put in off all the mask inserted before - Removed issue with 'ret' variable in the script