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Contributor: fawwaadkhan

3.36 Kb

just refined it a bit as first version was a bit ambiguous and was a simple toolset but this one is gizmo..and there was a typo mistake.. in demo video old version's path is embedded at the bottom of screen..please ignore it.. Here is a quick demo ..

14 Oct 2019
Contributor: claudngtt

7.75 Kb

This tool allows you to dynamically add and remove channels inside an EXR render.

28 Oct 2022
Contributor: otaku

10.39 Kb

uses an alpha channel or a black&white image and add it to a given image. including a premult option.

27 Dec 2010
Contributor: LeoLiuos

6.26 Kb

If you are using any rendering program that can output rendered images with separated light passes as channels, you can use this mixer for all the light passes. You can list all the channels you wan't to exclude. Some defaults already listed.

18 May 2015
Contributor: ytrox

6.72 Kb

Remove node with unlimited channels addition feature.

08 May 2020
Contributor: [email protected]

9.05 Kb

You can create Channel/Layer just by text for Dimatte. you retain the flexibility to rename the generated channels using the Toolset.

28 Mar 2024
Contributor: hrdnsptr

3.96 Kb

Generate map for STMap automatically.

27 Jan 2020
Contributor: supertommehugo

4.56 Kb

Enable or disable a branch of your script within a certain framerange

20 Aug 2012
Contributor: drumzoo

2.90 Kb

Copy as many layer as you want from A to B.

20 Jan 2021
Contributor: MiguelT

13.29 Kb

Quickly search your AOVs and shuffle them out with ShuffleSearch. Copy, rename and check your sequence with ReadPro.

06 Sep 2021
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