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Edge organic tool will break and unshape the matte edges. good for seamless blending comp without sharp roto edge
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A simple tool that i've made to create shadow from a shadow pass It creates shadows by stacking grades masked keyers several times on a video converted to HSV It's better than just darken the shot with a grade Warning : it doesn't work well on heavy compressed footage
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This is an alternative glow for Nuke's classic glow. This glow has a cool color ramp outside like sapphire's glow. I could try it in Nuke 9 and 8 on windows...but it should be work on all platforms and all versions.
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Edge fill node to push the core colors into the defocus/blurred edges of an image.
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A lightweight node to stretch the edge pixels of an image outwords.
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LightingShades_Stylizer is a tool for injecting textures into three specific areas of a CG render. By using the albedo and diffuse passes, it isolates and modifies only the lighting data, leaving the base textures intact.
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Improve the Zdefocus guizmo with a lof of feature. Analyze Zdepth , Fix foreground blur, Auto Depth normalized , focal point help, Bake Depth animated value. Mask mode and more. Now just added the focal point , make some correction, now you able to fix the focal plane on the BG and FG defocus mask for more accurency, some minor improve for the edge fix when you defocus the Fg (simplify a bit the interface ) more user friendly
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Tool to reproduce the hatching effect in comics books To reproduce a style similar to SpiderVerse