Transform RSS
0.31 Kb
Crops and reformats to whatever your bounding box is!
1.11 Kb
Crop_bbox keeps bounding box after reformat and concatenates upstream and downstream. Standard Crop node doesn't have an option to keep bbox and it also doesn't concatenate.
3,105.38 Kb
Package of 3 gizmos : UV Unwrapper, an AfterEffects-like Displacement and an Infinite Texture Offset. Try it now !
1.72 Kb
Displacement 2D with Chromatic Aberration
21.15 Kb
Allows you to distort tracking data using a UVMap, such as that output by a LensDistortion node.
3.51 Kb
Simple gizmo to Undistort / Redistort image from Sigma Art series lens 18-35mm with Metabones SpeedBooster 0.71x calculated by Nuke