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Contributor: ermesermes

11.62 Kb

eSmartReformat converts Transform and CornerPin2D nodes from a compo size format to another.

13 Feb 2020
Contributor: elbetored

4.65 Kb

Filmburn Fx based on Digital Tutors

28 Jun 2016
Contributor: cass2su

5.34 Kb

This Gizmo allows you to morph between two plates - jump cuts. Morphing between at least 5-10 frames will produce the best results. This Gizmo works best when the two plates are similar. You can increase the Vector Detail, Strength and Smoothness to get cleaner results.

12 Feb 2023
Contributor: frank

4.09 Kb

simple glass filter

25 May 2011
Contributor: LeoLiuos

16.26 Kb

Glitch effect, Grid glitch and box transform tools with different sliders for variation. Transforms r g b channels separately

18 May 2015
Contributor: KristinKL

5.63 Kb

Adds moving glitch like effect to images or certain area of an image.

05 Mar 2021
Contributor: unaided

30.58 Kb

GZ_Aligner is a small tool to quickly align a image to orthogonal angles.

23 Apr 2018
Contributor: hugo_guerra

13.26 Kb

Allows you to make a random scale effect with motion blur. Still beta, so be kind, lol.

19 Aug 2010
Contributor: hugo_guerra

12.33 Kb

Allows you to make a random "slide" effect. Still in beta, so be kind. Lol

19 Aug 2010
Contributor: frank

4.26 Kb

mask out a corner pin to warp the image

18 Oct 2010
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