Transform RSS
19.06 Kb
A replacement for Nuke's default camera shake node -- offers more control over 3 different frequencies of camera shake, and also shakes the centre-point, giving more detail to sub-frame motionblur. Also has options for how to deal with edge-of-frame pixels, so pushing in isn't always your best option anymore!
3.00 Kb
Default CameraShake node in Nuke, but with a checkerboard/sequence switch to preview the CameraShake node, now with the ability to manually change the nested checkerboard format to match project settings.
1.20 Kb
This is to make a free cam. Explore the parameters to achieve optimal results.
0.97 Kb
An expression that creates an stmap. You can adjust the bbox. Thank Fabian Holtz for the tips
3.08 Kb
Make smooth warping transformations with this tool. It uses stmap to distort the image.
7.76 Kb
the same Corner Pin node with some improvements.
3.97 Kb
Get the classic CornerPin node in a Matrix 4x4
5.33 Kb
Gives you extra control on top of your corner-pin from nuke or third-party data, help it more accurate, such as adding key-frame on top or your corner-pin data.
5.08 Kb
A corner pin node that automatically applies when a 2D tracker name is entered. Also the corner pin ensures the aspect ratio is maintained for the foreground element.